Pretty much since about a month after we got to Africa, I have asked Ryan to take me home. Home being America. Not to live, just to visit. It was just an itch that I felt like I NEEDED to scratch. If I could just go back and experience things through the lens of “what I know now.” I needed to see if it was as wonderful as I remembered it to be.
Now I’ve been here. The itch has been scratched. I’m happy to go home. Home being Africa. I have thorougly enjoyed my time in America. I’ve enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I’ve enjoyed the conveniences and the availablilty of anything you could possibly want. It’s been nice for a season. But one of the nicest parts of the whole experience is that I am more certain than ever that this is not where I belong for this season of my life. That’s a good feeling.
That being said, here are a few of the things I’ll miss and a few of the things I won’t...
Wish I didn’t have to say goodbye to:
- The open road. Free flowing without hundreds of brake lights stretching in every direction. Oh Accra traffic, how I loathe thee.
- Dairy. Or at least good, cheap dairy. I’m not looking forward to shelf-stable milk and $12 a pound cheddar.
- The Voice. I got hooked. I’d like to see it to the end. Not gonna happen.
- Butter that is wrapped in little sticks, already measured into tablespoons. I didn’t realize how awesome that was until I didn’t have it anymore.
- Holiday themed retail. I don’t know why, but Hershey kisses taste so much better when they’re wrapped in seasonally colored foil. Heavens, any reasonably priced Hershey kisses would be welcome where I live, no matter what color the foil. And Christmas wrapping paper, I love that stuff!
- Dr. Pepper. Need I say more?
- Our awesome church and the awesome people that make it such a special place.
- And of course, our families!
I’m not gonna miss:
- The pace. You Americans are insane. No wonder we have shelves full of antacids and pharmacies full of anti-depressants. Come on you people, take a sabbath, have a family dinner, try closing the gate when the sun goes down. Oh wait...wrong continent. Let’s just say, we like the closed gate at sundown lifestyle.
- The constant tempation to upgrade, spend more money, need more stuff, buy something new and improved.
- The non-stop American-centered news. Heavens to Betsy, next time I come home I’m gonna try and avoid a government shut-down!
I can assure you though, in 14 months, when it’s time to board the plane and head back to the land of marshmallows and grandparents, we’ll be ready!