My kiddos- they made these signs on a day when we were still waiting for our referral and they asked me to take their photo with them so we could send it to him when we were able to send him a package. They say, "We Love Baby Bro."
I thought I would take a minute to post a few photos of our current school highlights. We just completing our history unit on the Middle Ages. We took a field trip to the Carolina Renaissance Festival in Charlotte on Tuesday.
Abby at the Renaissance Festival with Mother Goose.
We saw dozens of costumed interpreters it was so fun!
Elizabeth and Isaac with their festival souveniers.
We are in a wonderful co-op of 14 other families who use the same curriculum we do. This curriculum includes our History, Literature, Fine Arts, Church History and Bible, as well as Writing. Everyone in our co-op is studying the same thing at the same time, from the oldest to the youngest. In the last 10 weeks we've covered the Vikings, the development of the Early Church, the Feudal System, the Crusades, Marco Polo, the Printing Press and lots of other concepts. It has been so interesting. We had our unit celebration last night which was a medieval feast. Good times! Although I have to say after feasting last night, that I now appreciate the fork in a new way (they didn't use them in the middle ages!) We're looking forward to moving on to the Renaissance and Shakespeare for the next 9 weeks!

The whole Campbell clan at the co-op feast. All of us girls are in gowns thanks to Grandma's fabulous sewing abilities.
Not only did Grandma sew gowns for our family, but she sewed for two other girls as well. All of the dresses in this photo were made by my mom except for the purple and silver one on the left side. Thanks Mom!
Here are the "king and queen" seated at the high table.
Here are most all of the kids as well as the King and Queen. Notice the variety of costumes.
Here are the students from the lower grammar class I teach.
And here is a shot I took of my 3 youngest ones this morning as they were watching cartoons and relaxing after a busy week. Notice the chocolate Poptart icing on Lily's forehead. Ah, the breakfast of champions!
I love the signs. What a neat idea. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
Christy, We had a great time on Friday night. Thank you for all you hard work and dedication. You and Eve set the bar pretty high for unit celebrations. It was a great time and an even better memory. ~~~ Kristi
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