Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Hedge of Protection

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book of life before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:16

On Tuesday, December 28th, I woke up at my in-laws house where we were visiting for the Christmas holiday. I was the first one up, so I went to my devotional book and read the passage for the day. I don't really remember this, but I do know that this is what my bookmark says, and later when Ryan was re-reading it to me, I was able to finish the story within the devotional as if I'd heard it before. The above verse was the theme of the devotion along with a story about some missionaries who had a near death experience, and some words about how God places a hedge of protection around us according to His will. Apparently, He willed it for me that very day.

I am told that after I read, I got up, fixed muffins for everyone, exchanged gifts with Ryan's sister, dressed my kids for playing in the snow, then went outside myself for a little sled riding fun. I, however, remember none of this. Apparently, on my first run down the mountain, on an inner tube, my head collided with a tree. My memories of December 28th begin about 7 PM in the Hazard Hospital. Scary. Day.

It's been 5 days since my accident and every day I feel a little stronger. I still lack my typical stamina, which can be frustrating. I rarely make it more than 4 or 5 hours without needing to sleep for a bit. My natural tendency is to get frustrated. Then, I remind myself that I am alive, I have (mostly) normal cognitive ability, I can walk, talk, and feed myself, and then I decide to give thanks rather than getting discouraged.

I appreciate your prayers, because the reality is, our house still has to be vacated in 12 days, even though packing is overwhelming. The repairs still have to be finished by Friday, and all the stuff still has to go away. I have tons of offers for help, but my brain doesn't even know how to prioritize my needs just yet. I cry easily and am very needy. My husband, who has been remarkable through all of this, needs to go back to work soon. We both needed every waking minute to be 100% productive before this whole event happened, and now, we're concerned. So, prayer would be good. Prayers for clarity, and productivity, and wisdom too. Thanks sweet friends!

By the way... the post during the morning I was hospitalized was actually set to auto post that day. I was not blogging from the hospital. At that point, I wasn't even seeing real clearly. Just in case you were wondering (and I know you were!)


Anonymous said...

Praying for you, friend! Wish I was there to help - to help you think and pack stuff up. :)

Enjoying Life Together said...

I had to explain the "auto posting" to my hubby at least 4 times before he believed me that you could not possibly be blogging that morning. :)

A. David McIntosh said...

I have heard that dark green veggies do wonders for strength and stamina! If you try them, let me know how you feel! The McIntosh Family in Iowa