Monday, October 24, 2011

Humbled, Grateful, Overwhelmed

One thing I've lived over the last year is that everything comes at a cost. In life, you constantly have to count the cost. For us, this process has been days, weeks, and months of cost counting. There has been no part of our life that has not been affected. Our time, our possessions, our relationships, you name it, we've processed it in some way.

The part of this process that has been most costly to us, hands down, is leaving our parents behind. It has grieved us terribly, we've prayed and prayed about it. And, while we still hate that it has to be so hard and that separation has to be a result of our call, we don't doubt that it's what we're supposed to do. I am sad that my children won't have as frequent face to face interaction with their grandparents as they have had, but I know that doesn't have to change the bond that they share. I also know that God has a plan for their lives and that might involve using a variety of people to shape their lives.

One of the things that God has used to heal our hearts a bit with the realities of this separation is other believers. While our parents will always be our children's beloved grandparents, God has also been graciously bringing other, loving adults into our children's lives to invest in them as well. It's been an interesting thing to experience and I've been humbled by it.

There are so many people who are willing to be involved in my children's lives. Already, my children are discovering "uncles" and "aunts" who are sharing this journey with us. These people love my children and are genuinely interested in their lives. There is a strong bond within our community of colleagues that I can already tell will bring enormous benefits in the lives of my children.

In a few short months, there have been several volunteer teams from US churches who have chipped in and loved on my children. Between our time in Virginia at orientation and our first week here, I have been overwhelmed by the people who are willing to take a week of vacation to come alongside us and equip us to do what needs to be done. Just this week, a team of volunteers from Georgia led my children in a week of orientation activities, while their permanent teachers spent some time helping the adults get started. These people didn't just come and put on a program, they really loved on our kids. I have no doubt that they will be faithful to lift our family up in prayer during the months and years ahead.

It's really been overwhelming to see how God has allowed our family to be blessed by these precious people. I am grateful that our Father knows our needs and sends people to encourage and equip us in so many ways!

The Campbell Kiddos along with some precious volunteers from Augusta, GA

1 comment:

Oh Dear said...

I know it is truly no comparison to your family, but we have found family in our home as well. To have someone else who would direct, spoil, correct and clean up your child's puke is indeed humbling and a HUGE blessing!