Monday, August 17, 2015

All Around the Compound

A few photos of life at our house, as of late:

Here's Raphael, one of the giant tortoises we inherited with the house.

And this is Henri, a scraggly stray that we've taken up with.  He is the sweetest cat and loves lots of ear scratching and leftovers, while happily making his home in our yard.

My Sunday morning clothes, on my Monday morning clothesline.

Here's one of the many hedgehogs that also call our yard home!  The kids love to catch them and play with them for a little bit before setting them free again.

This bird, that Isaac thinks must be a juvenile kite, happily ate the hot dog pieces leftover from dinner last night.  He was super friendly and spent much of the afternoon interacting with Isaac. 

Abby and her Eno.  Anytime, anywhere, she loves it!

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