Sunday, October 28, 2012

You People Have NO Idea

Really, you have no idea what a package can do for our morale.  We can not say thank you enough to those of you who have love on us in this way!  These pictures were taken on a day when we received a very timely package.  It came from a good friend of mine from our BSU college days.  She and her husband are now on staff at a church that has agreed to be prayer partners with us.  We’ve never been to the church, but I’ve been Facebook friended by several folks in the congregation and we have been so overwhelmed by their love and encouragement for us through e-mail and FB.  

My friend decided that this year she was going to send each of our children a package for their birthday.  She was late sending Lizzy’s and early sending Abe’s and since their birthdays are just a few weeks apart, they both came on the same day.  She was concerned that they were late, but I am confident they were right on time.

Anyway, the day these packages came, Lizzy had a really rough morning.  She had cried and cried because she didn’t have any clothes that she felt pretty wearing.  Everything in her closet seemed old and worn out or just plain ugly to her.  I’m not sure that was exactly the reality, but she was perceiving it that way.  On top of that, she was disappointed because she had hoped to get flip flops in her birthday packages and none came.   And honestly, that sort of pouting and feeling sorry for herself is not her normal mode of operation.  So, we were feeling bad for her.  Ryan and I assured here that when we went to Kenya, we would look for some new clothing items for her.  We managed to get her into some clothes and talk her down off the ledge a bit.

(Let me just take a moment to say here in Lizzy’s defense that I had no idea how much I would miss shopping.  There is something about new sandals each spring and a couple of fresh t-shirts each summer that do something to boost a girl’s morale.  That has always been the rhythym of my life.  I miss it.  My kids miss it.  It doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s just having a few new things is nice.  Right or wrong, we’ve missed Target, Walmart, and Old Navy.)

So on this day, Lizzy felt a bit forlorn.  She felt ugly and discouraged.  And then the package came and in it were 2 pairs of flip flops.  NEW flip flops.  She was so excited.  She’d finally settled on a pink t-shirt that morning and one of those pairs of flip flops matched it perfectly.  There was also a bracelet that she loved which coordinated as well.  The rest of the day she wore an enormous grin (with her flip-flops and bracelet.)  She fully recognized that God cared about the details of her life and the desires of her heart. 

I am so thankful that we serve a God who loves us and desires to encourage us.  I am also very thankful for a “late” birthday package that came right on time!

“Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!"  Luke 12:27-28

1 comment:

Grammy of 6 said...

We serve an awesome God. His timing is perfect.
Love and Miss you all.