Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gladney Approved!

I just checked my e-mail and found that we are officially Gladney approved! That means our homestudy is being sent to CIS and we are just waiting for the "golden ticket" from immigration. We have already been fingerprinted, so we hope it will come very quickly. We are supposed to start working on our dossier now, but since Kate already has it all and she and Natalie have reviewed it all, we can only wait for that coveted 171H. Maybe we'll miraculously make my original April 15th waitlist date. (Okay, stop laughing all you fellow adoptive parents, I said miraculously!) Yeah, one more hurdle down!


graceling said...

Hey, it's almost possible- I only waited 3 weeks for my golden ticket, and some have waited even less. But I don't know how your CIS office is...

Enjoying Life Together said...

I'm sure that was a bright spot to your week considering how bad you feel. I was "Miss Christy" last night but I'm fairly certain that I wasn't as nice as you are. :) ~Sabrina

Anonymous said...

I just read your blog and was smiling the whole time. My name is Kristi also and my husband and I have four beautiful children that I homeschool. We have three boys and one girl. We are just starting the process of adoption from Ethiopia and are so excited. I will be sure and keep up with your blog! Thanks for sharing your story. Kristi Paul from Texas

Anonymous said...

We are a homeschooling family of 5, awaiting a referral of 1-2 from Ethiopia. I understand all too well about that 171H. Waiting for mine also. will be praying for you, and checking for updates! Kim from Philadelphia PA

lisaqshay said...

That's great news! Yay!!!