Thursday, January 22, 2009

The First Few Days

Well, we've made it through our first few days and overall, things are going well.  We are tired- I think it's a combination of jetlag, time change, new baby, and the emotions of all of it.  But, for the most part things are going as well as can be expected.  Everyone is continuing to be healthy and for that we are grateful.  
The children are getting to know Abe and they have moments where they think he's the best thing ever and other moments when they suggest we put him in his bed for a while :o)  They have all been surprised by how much work he takes, even though we tried hard to prepare them.  
We were blessed with about 6 inches of snow on Monday night.  That's a big deal here in the Carolinas.  It's been 5 years since we had a measurable snowfall, so we were excited.  It was an extra blessing for our family because that meant Ryan got two extra days at home, which was a huge need for us. 
Many of you have asked how you can help.  Really, right now we need prayer.  Here are a few of the ways we would request you pray at this time:
  • Pray for Abe's skin.  We saw the pediatrician yesterday and he was concerned as well.  We're treating him for eczema, impetigo, and scabies.  He's pretty sure there is a combination of the all three going on.  We will revisit it on Monday and possibly head onto a dermatologist.
  • Pray for sleep.  Abe is not sleeping past 4:30 and that can get pretty tiresome.  Especially when you have 4 others who are ready to wake up when he is ready to return to bed.  
  • Pray for Abe's tantrums.  He has terrible tantrums and we're not sure exactly how to deal with them.  It was different with our other 4 because we knew they were secure in our love and were well attached to us.  Now, we are trying to juggle TLC and security with not reinforcing negative behaviors.  We talked to the pediatrician and he was encouraging, but it's very stressful.  Abe is happy much of the time, it's just the moments he's not that are exhausting on all of us.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement.  For all of you Gladney families out there, I have a couple more travel posts rolling around in my head that I hope to write-up in the next few days, so don't give up on me yet.  If a picture is worth a thousand, then I'll finish off with about 10,000 of them.  I know that's what you're really here for, the photos!


Robin said...

So that's where all the snow went -- we only got a dusting! The pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!!

Unknown said...

That little smile says it all. Those pictures are great!!!

He looks so happy and healthy.

Thanks for sharing the journey.

Amber Harrell said...

OH thankyou thankyou for sharing! I know its got to be very difficult getting back to our time (due to the time changes you endured) I know it is even more difficult for Abe. Time changes new faces new place...Christy you guys are doing a great job. Thank you for the prayer requests. It truely makes us feel apart of your journey. May God continue to bless you guys! Oh and he is absolutly beautiful especially in the pictures with his sisters and brother!

coffeemom said...

He's just delicious!

this tough time will pass, he will settle in and jet lag will fade. this is precious rare time, relish every moment, tantrums even. It's priceless!

the chapman crew said...


Oh Dear said...

We are North and have yet to have a measurable amount of snow. You got an infant and toddler all in one package. Know you are not forgotten for you are covered in prayer-not like an IN dusting either!

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

So appreciate this post. I often felt others were a bit surprised and taken aback when I was honest about how hard it is at times. So, I didn't share much, except with a trusted few. I think the more we share, the more we help, educate, prepare and encourage others.

I can remember the hard times, but now they are just memories, as things are truly so adjusted now. They will be your memories, too, eventually.