Thursday, December 18, 2008

Plane tickets- check!

Okay, I must admit that I can not believe this is really happening!  But, it is.  In 23 days, we leave to meet our son.  We purchased the plane tickets yesterday afternoon and we are so excited.  We felt as though the Lord gave us a gift as far as the booking of the tickets went.  You see, my husband and I were a little at odds about the tickets.  We both really wanted to fly Emirates Air, we've read many positive things about the total experience vs. Ethiopian Air.  But, every time we had sat down and priced the tickets, there was a significant price difference between the two.   A few hundred dollars times 3 tickets, well that's a chunk of change.  And I, being the practical one, could not justify paying that much money for 24 hours of our lives.  Ryan didn't necessarily agree.  So, we weren't sure what we were going to do.
Yesterday, when we called Susan Parr, a highly recommended travel agent in the adoption community, she worked some sort of industry magic.  We were able to get tickets with Emirates Air, and we're only paying a total of $30 more for all of them.  We were thrilled.  Not to mention the airline will put us up for one night in Dubai and so we'll arrived in Addis a little more refreshed than we would have otherwise.  What a blessing! 

I thought I'd end with a sweet story about my precious husband.  Before our oldest daughter Abby was born, he read something that convinced him that newborn eyes could focus best on the colors black, white, and red.  She was induced, so he had plenty of time to plan his wardrobe, and he insisted on wearing red, so that she would be able to focus on him.  Lizzy made her appearance quite dramatically when my placenta ruptured during the night.  Still, Ryan grabbed a red shirt on our rush out the door.  Isaac was scheduled for an induction, but decided during the night he didn't need to wait for the morning appointment.  Fortunately, Ryan had already laid out his red.  Lily, came with an emergency c-section.  Ryan was in a staff meeting at work when the secretary grabbed him and told him he had 30 minutes to get to the hospital or he'd miss the whole thing.  He'd worn red to work that day.

Now, Ryan has always liked red well enough.   There are usually a couple of red items hanging in his closet at any given time.  So, I thought nothing of it when he left for work yesterday wearing red.  Then, last night, Ryan was reviewing with our two younger ones why the court date was so significant for our family.  And he said, "It's kind of like a birthday, this is the day when he became a Campbell.  That's why daddy wore red today.  I wore red on the day when everyone of you children were born.  This morning when I was getting dressed I debated about if I should wear red.  I decided that I was going to step out on faith that today was going to be a birthday at our house."  How sweet!   I love that man!


coffeemom said...

OH, that makes tears spring to my eyes, SO sweet. Great great story to add to the family memory bank. Lovely

Shawn and Jami said...

Congratulations! Plane tickets sound great! How are you flying back?

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! I love your family so much and I can't wait to meet the little guy, though it sounds like it might not be until i come back from school.

Bird's Words said...

How exciting! Plane tickets make it seem so much more real, I am sure.
And I am loving the "red" story.

Shawn and Jami said...

that would be so fun:) Are you stopping in Dubai on the way home?

lisaqshay said...

lovin' the red story...i think his homecoming scrapbook page should adorned with red! just a suggestion...

Shawn and Jami said...

no dates yet...hope that we now soon:)

Paige Hand said...

That is one of the most precious stories EVER! Bless you all!!

Angela said...


Christina said...

thanks for the tip on the new flower guesthouse. we booked it! the website looked really nice. looking forward to meeting you in ethiopia!! merry christmas!

Sparkz said...

What a great story! That is too cool. I might have teared up a little on that one.

Glad you got your tickets. Very exciting and one step closer!